product european romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting-46

Porta velas

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Decoración de Nadal
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Decoración de Halloween
Vaixela e cunca

Candelabro vintage de cristal alto de cristal moderno de estilo europeo romántico Candelabro con iluminación

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Descrición dos produtos
European romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting manufacture
European romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting details
European romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting supplier
European romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting details
European romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting factory
European romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting details
European romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting details
European romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting manufacture
Pode ser personalizado
500 unidades/elemento
Vantaxe principal:
Fábrica venda directamente
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Tempo de mostra:
Normalmente 5-7 días
Perfil da compañía
Yangzhou City Baldr Home Decoration Co, Ltd está situada na antiga cidade de China-Yangzhou. É un fabricante. A nosa empresa ten moita experiencia na exportación dos nosos produtos. Temos unha moi boa reputación entre os clientes. Somos especializados na produción de artesanía de vidro . Decoracións de Nadal, moldes pintados, artesanías en vidro con luz LED e música son os nosos principais produtos. Hai unha gran variedade de produtos na nosa empresa. Os nosos novos produtos sempre van por diante entre os competidores. Mentres tanto, podemos ofrecer certificados ROHS e CE. Podes estar seguro de que os prezos dos nosos produtos son razoables polo seu deseño delicado e alta calidade. Benvido a establecer relacións comerciais coa nosa empresa!
European romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting factory
European romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting manufacture
European romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting supplier
European romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting manufacture
Embalaxe e entrega
European romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting details
European romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting supplier
European romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting manufacture

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APOYA POR product european romantic style clear modern crystal animal tall glass vintage candle holder candlestick  holder with lighting-80

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