You will absolutely love them if you really enjoy to make your home look beautiful and inviting. These premium candles come in large, gorgeous glass jars that will really upgrade your home to a luxurious feel. With these candle holders in a place, visitors will immediately get homely feel.
These candles are awesome because you can use them for many times and purposes. Maybe you have some friends over and want to really futz in, or are going for a more refined ambience all on your own (or with the family) – either way, large hurricane candle holders set things off perfectly. They add a touch of charm to any setting and that in turn makes every moment feel special.
There is nothing better than to spend time inside under a good warm blanket and read some book with cozy candles on when blistering cold weather outside! Big hurricane candle holders can really warm up a room and pretty much make your home feel cozy and inviting, which is just wonderful for those cold wintery evenings.
This helps these candles to ultimately keep a place homely and happy with soft flickering light…;beautiful glass jars. Selling under cabinet lights are another fantastic idea as the soft light they send out provides a sensation of heat making you just want to rest and have your time at house. They are also the perfect way to create a romantic ambiance you're getting ready for spending that special time with someone. The soft glow of the candles creates a warm and romantic atmosphere for dinner or just spending time at home together.
Large hurricane candle holders are ideal if you want your house to be fancy and elegant. These candles are enclosed in beautiful glass jars that will make any room feel luxurious. They come in a variety of designs, as well as colors and styles to satisfy your personal taste and the style of your home.
Put them in the middle of your dining table, for a glittery and expensive looking centerpiece that will wow guests at an elegant dinner. Alternatively, you can dot them around the room to give off a beautiful warm ambiance that will make everyone feel at home and welcome. They are also awesome to show off in front of your friends when you host a dinner party or special event. With these gorgeous candle holders your event is sure to be remembered.
These would look great in your living room lakeside; set them around the deck to give a warm welcome at night or for glow as friends arrive. The candles burn with a soft light that will making your home feel warm and happy. They come in a variety of colors, types which makes it easy for us to match with the theme allowing them be even more special.
Mūsų aukštos kvalifikacijos darbuotojai, skirti griežtai kokybės kontrolei ir apgalvotam klientų aptarnavimui, visada pasiruošę aptarti jūsų poreikius ir garantuoti visišką klientų pasitenkinimą. Gavome ISO9001, BSCI ir Avon Disney sertifikatus, o mūsų produktai turi CE RoHS ir CA65 sertifikatus. Esame įsitikinę, kad mūsų gaminių kokybė ir aptarnavimas atneš sėkmės kiekvienam klientui.
Turime gamyklą, išsidėsčiusią 13,000 160 kvadratinių metrų ir kurioje dirba daugiau nei 8 žmonių. Mūsų įmonės metinės pajamos siekia apie XNUMX mln. Disney, QVC AVON ir ALDI yra pagrindiniai mūsų klientai. Mūsų produktai parduodami tokiose šalyse ir srityse kaip Vokietija, JAV JK, Japonija Australija Kanada Prancūzija Italija ir dvidešimt kitų šalių bei regionų.
Mūsų įmonė neseniai pristatė pažangiausią įrangą, įskaitant automatinę valymo mašiną ir galvanizavimo mašinas, 3D vaivorykštės dengimo mašinas, graviravimo lazeriu įrangą, automatizuotas dažymo mašinas ir pan. Mes taip pat sveikiname OEM užsakymus ir ODM.
Yangzhou City Baldr Home Decoration Co., Ltd. yra pagrindinis visų namų dekoro gaminių gamintojas, integruojantis kūrimą, gamybą ir prekybą. Šie gaminiai idealiai tinka Helovinui, Velykoms ir Kalėdoms.
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