Like this one, made of glass jars with all the shiny surfaces-cmprised which resembles it as a mirror. Well, that magical jar is a mercury glass votive! These beautiful jars are so versatile and have quickly become very popular. They really bring some magic to any space. Below you will find more information on mercury glass votives and how they can bring a touch of elegance to your home or wedding.
If you are planning your wedding, the last thing on your mind is what to decorate it with. It can be fun but a bit of a challenge also. These mercury glass votives are a great wedding decoration, as they give off such a warm and beautiful glow on the tables. They are available in various shapes, colors and sizes which you can select as per your wedding themes. We love these pastel colored votives, if your wedding colours are soft pastels it is a winner. You can also put them around the wedding venue or in dinner tables to get you into a romantic mood. Just picture walking into the reception and being met by this warm, glowing scene of votives!
They aren't just for weddings; Mercury Glass Votives are perfect for your home too! You can use them as a means to make your living space feel more homely or you could simply brighten up and add some glamour. And the greatest part is that you can employ them in various fashions. You can keep them on a coffee table or a bookshelf, maybe even the side one to give your place an elegant touch. You can also mix and match in your favourite colour or desired shape. An easy and cheap method to add a touch of beauty and warmth in every room throughout your home are mercury glass votives.
Mercury glass votives offer a warm, glistening light source. They are ideal for lighting pieces in dark corners of your home. They are a perfect way to add warmth in your living room or bedroom, and especially when chilling after the long day. Some also work for providing an extra light to your home office or study. I always kept few votives in any room, that made it intimate and brighter. Bouncing light: The metallic shine of the votive bounces natural sunlight and sparkling flicker-flame around a space to make it feel lighter-hearted.
The holiday season is always such a happy time to gather with family and friends. Everyone can do with a little extra sparkle and shine in their holiday decor, so mercury glass votives are always an excellent choice. They will even make a stunning centerpiece for your dining room table that can be admired by all of the holiday dinner guests! They also make an appearance when you nestle them around your Christmas tree, bringing a certain magic power for the holiday. Also…If you are contemplating gifts then mercury glass votive holders….make perfect presents too!! You can gift them to your near and dear once, make their homes feel like home.
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